Monday, June 20, 2011


These were the clouds before all the "fun" began. They were pretty awesome!

God waited until just after our church service to show His power. We watched this storm coming in from the west until the tornado sirens went off and then we headed downstairs. Or at least the girls and I did, Eric headed to work. I wasn't so prepared though. The power went out and we had no candles, the girls were suddenly so thirsty and we couldn't find the flashlights we brought down with us.

The sky was supper dark to the north. We stayed downstairs while that storm went over then headed up to bed. At about 1:00 we woke up to more thunder and the pounding of hail on the roof, it sounded like baseballs hitting the roof. The girls and I sat up on the couch watching the "pine trees in the back yard dancing" until Eric texted that the sirens were going off again. I think between the west wind, hail and thunder we couldn't hear it at our house. We headed downstairs again but this time we just stayed there until morning. Once we came up we saw some small branches in our yard and found that we have some hail damage on the siding of the house.

Later on we took a ride through the cemetary next to our house to check out the trees. We were also told there was some farming equipment that had blown into the cemetary too, but by the time we went there they must have had it all cleaned up. We checked the weather all afternoon watching storms around but nothing major here.

Tonight we were under another tornado warning so we brought everything we could need downstairs and are quietly waiting it out. I am so thankful for a nice basement with plenty of beds and space. Also thankful that after 23 reported tornados in Nebraska today there is no one hurt!

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